Hi everyone.
At long last i have got my computer back...i have missed it the other one was so slow.
I am not sure if this will work o.k....so here's hoping, if i get any feedback i'll know its o.k. to start writing again.
I have been to my great grandaughters christening today..it was lovely, but as always happens there were agruments within the family, i hope they can soon be sorted out, a christening should be a happy occasion after all.
It as been very hot here in the U.K. the past week or so, but it was a lot cooler today.
Ellie Mae looked lovely in her little dress and cape, she is always smiling and is such a pleasant little soul......why do they have to grow up ??
I have lots to talk about, but i will wait to see if this one gets printed o.k.
I have just got up to date with yours & Dee's blogs Kerry, loved the pictures.
Will write more tomorrow...its good to be back on line...hope youe feeling much better now Kerry.
Take Care all...Love Joy
5 days ago