A blog of everyday things for every day people..sometimes serious,sometimes not,sometimes silly,sometimes mundane..a sort of Diary of the simple life of a 63 year old Mother,Grandmother and now great grandmother..feel free to comment, its always good to read the comments of others..Kind or Otherwise..but please no bad language.
Hi....I just wanted to put a picture of my friend Elsa and her 2 dogs onto here...this picture was taken when she came up last year, at the local water park in Kingsbury...the male dog (the one at the back) has since died of a liver desease, he was a lovely little fella...named Jacob. To Elsa they are her children, she was up here in Tamworth for 2 weeks but went back home yesterday morning...I am off to Vanessa's today for a few days as it is her Birthday on Tuesday, i'm really looking forward to seeing them all down in there in Oxford.
I hope everyone is ok, i have had a bit of trouble with my E-mails, but i think it is all sorted out now...i will take some pictures while i am at Vanesssa's & put them on here when i get back...I must NOT forget my camera (i usually do) i will put it in my bag now so ithat remember...talk later