This is the latest member of the family..i have named him Oliver (or Ollie) because i had just been to book up for the stage musical 'Oliver'...we go on trips arranged by the local Garden Centre, ..so i decided to have a look around while i was there...I saw lots of little bunnies selling @ £30 each, females in one pen, males in another....then there was this little fellow in another pen the only rabbit with lots of guinea pigs and he was only £10.....i asked an assistant why he was on his own and not with the other bunnies, and why he was so much cheaper....Its because no -one wants him she said, he as been here over 6 months, so he as been put in with the guinea pigs for a few months, hoping that someone will notice him more, but still no-one as brought him....i was SO upset..NO BODY WANTS HIM...how sad is that, i think maybe its because of his colour, (all the others were cute little whites, and multi coloured ones, & he was much bigger because he had been there so long)...Also she said if he is not sold by the end of October they are taking him to a pet shop.....a PET shop, is that just another name for something more nasty ??..any way my friend Marg who was with me told the assistant..thats it..Joy will have him now,..she was right i couldn't bear to think no one wanted the dear little thing...Seb my lovely old rabbit died recently, so i already have an indoor cage for cold weather, a lovely big outdoor hutch for summer..and lots of food and toys..so it made sense i suppose, I was going to get one eventually...but had decided to wait until next spring as i still miss Seb....i brought the little chap home and here he is....he is very quiet and i think his little personality as got to develop....but he is so sweet & i love him already...how could no-one have wanted him, the poor little mite.