I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

July 10, 2006

Another lovely Irish cottage

We have lots of these in parts of England too.

I loved this thatched cottage..there were so many of them in this little town in Ireland...
We have got them in parts of the U.K. too (there are a few not far from where i live).....but they are getting rarer nowadays, to have a house thatched costs thousands of pounds and they need doing every ten years or so. also the art of the thatcher is dying out...i think its mostly passed down from generation to generation in families, and lots of young people aren't interested any more..what a shame as they look so lovely....nowadays folk are just having normal slate roofs replacing the thatch....what a shame, they're now where near as pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I love the thatched cottages. How special they are. What a shame if they just go away. I wish I could see them for myself, I bet they are so great!


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