I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

February 05, 2009

Snow in Tamworth & Staffordshire

Snow as hit Britain....but we can't seem to cope with it like the rest of the World does, traffic grinds to a halt, Schools close (kids love that) and bussiness's are often shut....funny thing is i dont remember life coming to a standstill like this when i was a kid !!....dont remember having much time off school because of it,...but i do have fond memories of great snowball fights (sometimes even the teachers joined in) .. lots of fun on the way to & from school, and been allowed to stay in at play times IF we wanted to..most of us didn't..we went out by choice and enjoyed the snow..things have changed....but its still so pretty..these are a few pics of Staffordshire in the snow...I think lots of countries have much worse conditions than we do..or is that my imagination...how do you cope..Please let me know.


  1. Hi Joy,
    Just happened up on your Blog, and really enjoyed your snow pictures. Where do you live? I am in North Carolina . I just started Blogging, as I am taking an online class and doing a Blog was our homework assignment.If you would like my Blog address, let me know! I am new at this, so hope to visit your blog again.

  2. Hi Sarah..just left you a messgae on your blog..hope you get it ok..Yes it would be good to stay in touch..i left this one on here incase you come on here first (or mine doesn't reach you..Joy

  3. I am amazed at the snow fall there! We haven't had much snow in Reno, but Dee has had lots in Idaho! It looks so pretty! I love to look at snow, I just don't like to go out into it and don't want it to stay long. I love the pictures!

  4. The pictures are great joy. The snow is so beautiful! Life pretty much goes on as usual when it snows here in Idaho. The only time they have closed the schools this year is because of the snow drifts drifting across the roads and stranding people. Other than the drifts everyone just goes along normally with their day. Last year in Reno Nick had a lot of snow days. Its a shame really, snowy days were always so fun for us as kids. The school day was always more relaxed and we had extra long recess at lunch to play in the snow. Times have changed haven't they?



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