I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

May 07, 2009

A few pictures of my Grandkids

Here are a few pics of my grandkids..I have got loads (like most folk i imagine)....they range in ages from 11-23 years....The baby is my 'Great' Grandaughter Amie....as are Ellie mae & Blake...they are all lovely ....some are Ness & Adams..some Simon & Pams (plus the great grandchildren Ellie Mae, Blake & Amie Jayne are Simon & Pams grandkids)...neither Luke & Emily..or Laura are married yet..so no grandkids for Ness & Adam yet.....Ness said she CAN wait !!!..they are all lovely though every one of them.


  1. What dolls your grandchildren are! Don't you just love being a grandmother?

  2. Yes i really do..we have had so many laughs over the years (especially when they were young)..so many memories...they keep us on our toes then dont they..bless em !!

  3. I have 11 all together..grandkids and great grandkids..so never a dull moment..i also have 2 that i call grandkids as they are the children of Simons first wife, (sarah) even though they are both married again, they are lovely kids and i still like to be a nan to them as well as to their brother (Kieran)..so that is 13 !!!..so i am well blessed LOL.

  4. love your family! They are so lovely. I know they can be a lot of work, but so dear too! Your pictures warm my heart, Joy. Keep putting them on, I love them. Hug them all and have a great Mother's Day!

  5. Thanks Kerry..you are clever, i must try & remember this....couldn't figure out how to do it...you will have to tell Kay as well..she as got an even bigger space at the end of hers,I thought i'd never get to the bottom of it LOL...I'm just going to look at your new blog to see how you are getting on with your projects...love reading that one.

  6. You have a beautiful family Joy!! :)


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