Though not a professional gardener, Yasusuke Kogita (far left) loved stone. During his four years at the Minidoka Internment Camp, located in southern Idaho, he'd walk miles and miles into the surrounding sagebrush to find intriguing rock. He then engaged the help of his two young sons in getting sometimes massive boulders back to the camp, where he created an elaborate garden.
Those two young sons, are Ted, left, and Paul Kogita. Their memories of Minidoka are dominated by the image of their father lost in reverie, working and meditating in his rock garden. They say it was a great source of his strength, and a way in which he could control his world. Unable to leave his rocks behind, Yasusuke Kogita brought them home with him when the camp was closed. Today, those rocks -- some of them weighing two tons -- grace Paul Kogita's Seattle garden.
Though not a professional gardener, Yasusuke Kogita (far left) loved stone. During his four years at the Minidoka Internment Camp, located in southern Idaho, he'd walk miles and miles into the surrounding sagebrush to find intriguing rock. He then engaged the help of his two young sons in getting sometimes massive boulders back to the camp, where he created an elaborate garden.
Those two young sons, are Ted, left, and Paul Kogita. Their memories of Minidoka are dominated by the image of their father lost in reverie, working and meditating in his rock garden. They say it was a great source of his strength, and a way in which he could control his world. Unable to leave his rocks behind, Yasusuke Kogita brought them home with him when the camp was closed. Today, those rocks -- some of them weighing two tons -- grace Paul Kogita's Seattle garden.
I love the story of Yasusuke! When I look at the rocks now, they seem so diferent. Just to think they were the use to calm the soul. I love it. We have found some wonderful ones and will put them into our yard. After we are all done with the yard we can sit and look at it with different eyes! We are so blessed to be here! Love, Kerry