Well the white stuff is here at last..very pretty to wake up to this morning, this pic of my little garden was taken at around 7.45, (ignore the clock in the picture it needs new batteries) the other one is of the river in Tamworth and is from last year..but nothing much changes around here. Its very cold and we have been told on the news that there is a LOT more snow to come. We have also been told that gas supplies are running low and we are having to buy it in (at vastly increased prices no doubt)from the countries we sold it too last summer !!! ..when we had so much of it apparently. When will they learn, they must know there is a chance of a bad Winter, but then the consumer has to take the extra burden..while the 'fat cats' are laughing all the way to the Bank...surely the Government should step in to do something about this..why do we vote for them if its not to sort out issues like this...unless they too are benefitting in some way ??...Anyway i'm not going to get depressed about things i cant change..i'm just going to stay in and enjoy the view from my windows...time was i would have loved to have gone a walk in the wood when the snow was freshly fallen..its so very pretty then, like a winter wonderland..but since my fall, i am so afraid to even venture outside unless i have to, let alone the wood, thats were i had my fall during the holiday, Jimmy & Polly were with me, thank goodness or i dont know how i would have got back home...These old bones aren't what they once were (lol)...love the snow but roll on spring..so i can walk without fear again, now i am starting to sound like a silly old biddy so i'll just get into my day.
Happy to see you got snow and sad to hear it will cost so much to stay warm! We little people always pay the price don't we! It just seems the prices of everything just keeps going up. I know I haven't been writing much, I am doing some better, I hope to get back on top soon. I hope you are doing well! Stay warm dear friend.