Yesterday was so good, today i feel so troubles, i have tried to sweep them under the carpet as i didn't want to talk about them because they just upset me so much..... but you can only bury your head for so long i suppose, and then things happen that just make you face them,(like last night),... its such a long story and complicated, but i will go mad if i don't talk about it....will send you an E-mail Kerry, i would really like to know what you think, ( you can share with Dee if you want to), 2 different age groups opinions will perhaps help, life is so complicated, but the last thing i want to do is be depressing, especially to you as i know you have your own problems and need to keep cheerful, Ness is so upset and angry too,...but i'm really trying to find something positive in it all.
Anyway i hope things are good over there and your feeling better.
5 days ago
I will be waiting for your e-mail, Joy. I'm so sorry if you and Vanessa are upset! All I can do is listen and try to give you a cheerful word or two. Try not to stress, just try! You nor Vanessa needs a problem to worrt about. Take care of yourself and your daughter. Your friend, Kerry
ReplyDeleteI screwed up the word worry on that one, too early here! Don't worry(got it right that time)about stressing me. All our lives are full of problems and if a friend can help, it makes us all feel a little better. I'm all ears (well not realy, but Howard has big ears)just know I am here, Kerry
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear that you and Vanessa are so upset. I would do anything to help. I hope things are better for you soon. {{{{Hugs}}}}!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you both...really need that hug,....Vanessa is coming up tonight as she said somrthing as got to be done, she hates to see me so upset...what would we do without our daughters Kerry.
ReplyDeletewill E-mail you later, my eyes are so sore from crying all morning.