Hi Friends
Its been a whole weeek since i felt up to writing my blog, just one thing after another.... but i hope things are going to get better now.
It's so upsetting when family are been hurt (or doing the hurting) and weve had our share of both this past week or two..... i know you understand when i say if any of my family suffer i do to.
Its a Bank holiday this weekend, so no-one goes to work tomorrow (except my poor son Simon) and the kids have a day off from School, if the weather is good i may take some of them out for the day.... we have had some nice weather on & off, but its not been too good today.
Vanessa came up and stayed for 2 days that was lovely, but she as gone back now and they have taken my little buddy Victor back with them, i'll miss him (most of the time) but he can be a nuisance if you want to go out somewhere that dogs can't go... or shopping...he howls and barks and the neighbours moan about him, but i take the Van usually and he does come most places with me....i'll have him again when i get back from my holiday in Ireland...i'm going on the 13th....really will have to take some photographs of that it is a lovely place.
I am looking forward to seeing all your pics ...cant wait for them, and really hope you manage to do that disc.
You Funky Monkeys are doing so well....i'm proud to be one of you (wish i could do the walk with you all... but the pics of that will help me feel that i'm there with you all.)
Have you seen the latest series of "Lost" yet...i'm hooked on it, the new series starts here on Tuesday (22 episodes apparently)...but no one here seems to know for certain if this is going to be the last series or if there is another one...any ideas ??..we have already seen 22 hour long episodes in the first series...do you know if there is a series 3 or not ??......will get withdraweral sympoms when it is finished for good.
I have also been watching another American series that is very good "Invasion"...that seems to be a very long running one too...anyone seen that and know how it ends ?
I am going to do a bit of housework now...but its good to be back, talk soon...bye for now Joy
5 days ago
Hi Joy, it's nice to have you back. We did real well at our sale, we made $924.00 and had a great time. I put all the pictures on my blog. We are working on the disc for you and will get it done after the walk and get it off to you. We may be a little nuts, you will have to forgive us, we just try to have fun when we can. I hope all your family problems are getting better. I want to go to Ireland with you. I would love to visit there.It all looks so green! Take lots of pictures. How is Vanessa doing? Did you have a good visit?
ReplyDeleteHi Kerry.,,,would LOVE you to come to Ireland, but will have to take as many pics as i can instead...(still can not manage to upload them), the icons and things dont appear on my blog.
ReplyDeleteIt was great having Ness up, she stayed 2 days, i love my family around me, but i miss them so much when they go back....am going to look at the pictures on your blog now...Take Care, and well done with your M.S. money raised so far, its brilliant !!!