I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

May 04, 2006

Sunshine at Last

Hi All
It as been a lovely sunny day today...i feel so much better when the sun is out...my troubles seem.... well less troublesome.
Went out with my brother to dinner, a break from work...gotta be good.!!!
The weather forcast for tomorrow is raining and colder...what a pain.
I am going to have my hair highlighted tomorrow, Pam my daughter-in-Law is having hers done too, i really need something done with mine i look like Wurzel Gummedge !!!......do you have him on your t.v. over there in Nevada ?...he is a scarecrow that comes to life and has all sorts of adventures, i'm still a kid at heart...any way my hair is so much like his that we could be related at the moment.
I can't go to Ireland next week looking like this.
I love all your Pictures Kerry and cant wait to see the others..take loads of the walk if you can.

Please take care of yourself, i was so upset when i heard about your legs, try and rest them before you go on the walk...but i know nothing will crush that spirit of yours.
Talk soon Love Joy

1 comment:

  1. No, we don't get that show here, but I know what you mean. I need to do something with my hair too. I am looking a little old. I know it must be a mistake, because I am still so young!!!!!! Right, if your as old as you feel, I am real old right now. Next week I will be younger and have more energy. I want to work outside and my legs are getting better. I love the nice weather, it will be in the 80s by then. The sun is nice at this time of year, then it will get to hot by mid summer. I'll take lots of pictures for you and you take bunches for me of Ireland. We will get you fixed on how to get them on line then. You have lots of fun and get all the worry out of your mind for a while, OK? Give Vanessa my love, I will be walking for her too! I will do just fine, I am getting better all the time. Thank you, Joy. Love Kerry


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