I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

January 25, 2009

Almost caught in the act !!

I can't believe it..Jim walked in just as i was putting that picture on my blog !!...i got in a panic because i knew he would NOT see the funny side....I have never turned my computer off so quickly....So I just had to check it was still working allright now that he as gone...it seems ok..just 2 pics instead of one.....it serves me right i suppose.


  1. You are so funny!! He shouldn't be upset, I am just like family, a distant Auntie! I like your family.

  2. That is so funny, hahaha! Im always getting caught in the act, i know how you feel. Hahaha!



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