I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

January 25, 2009

The Ashton Clan

This is the Ashton Clan..Simons family, from left to right Stacey 19, Sherri 13, Kieran 18,Kirsty15, and Sophie 11...Kayleigh is not on the picture she is 22,married to Steve and is Ellie/Blakes Mom..will sort some others out soon.


  1. Very nice looking kids! Simmon has a great family. All them girls and one boy. The same as my family, very cool!

  2. Cute family Joy! Now I have faces to go with what I have heard about everyone. :)


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