This is the railway station that was over the river, from the restaurant. It was lovely to watch the steam train come in while we were eating outside..i LOVE steam, even the smell brings back so many happy memories of when i was a child, and Mom used to take me to visit my aunty on the big old steam trains in The Stations in Birmingham...the other picture is Les..looking very windblown..we were up on the Aquaduct and the sign there tells us that it was built by Thomas Telford and was completed in 1805, after 10 years under construction !!..It amazes me how they must have been able to build these Huge structures so many years ago..they hadn't got the machinery we have today..and the Gorge that it runs across is so deep...i had to hold onto the rails as we walked across..i'm really not very good with heights..but i so wanted to see the wonderful scenery below..the Pictures dont do it justice though..it is much better to actually be there..a wonderful day out...more pics tomorrow
I love the pictures, I can imagine it is more beautiful in person! xxxxxxxx