I dont know if its the weather or not but the big old boy who as been hanging around for several weeks as come into the house today..and made himself at home..in Baileys bed !!!.I dont know who owns him (if anyone) as the neighbours say he calls to visit a few of them, but nobody knows where he comes from....he often sleeps in my shed when it's open. He was a little afraid at first..but as gradually grown to trust me..and is really quite sweet now he as come indoors...he is quite grey in the face (although you cant see it on here)..and walks a bit stiff..so i know he is fairly old.... my cats just sniff him and go and lie down...Bailey as opted for the rug in front of the fire....been as he has lost his bed for a while.
I have asked around the village and i dont think he belongs to anyone...i would hate to take in someones beloved pet...but a couple of families have moved out in the past few months, i wonder if they left him behind ..that seems horrible, but it would explain his been around all the time..he is in the garden when i get up in the mornings..so i started to give him some food..but a few other folk feed him as well because they feel sorry for him..i will put an ad in the local shop to say he is here, then i won't feel so bad..but i couldn't stand seeing him outside in all weathers..soaked to the skin...my friend came to visit yesterday..and she told him he had really fell on his feet..sorry Paws..now he was in here..my cats seem fine with him so..i'll have him here until someone either claims him..or he goes off to join his own family again
You are so lucky to have your visitor, Joy. I do envy you. I love cats, the last one I had died just before we retired, and then I agreed with my husband that now we were able to go away often, it would be unkind to a pet to keep leaving it. But I do miss my Ratty.
happy friday
Hi Joy, he's beautiful. He has wandered in to good caring hands. We are animal lovers. I would do the same. I'm happy he found you. Take care, Sharon
ReplyDeleteHello, Joy, I was just clicking through the blog-o-sphere and found your spot. When I saw the black and white cat, I had to comment. Thank you for opening your home to him. Sad to say, but he may have been 'left behind.' (I have some experience with abandoned animals here in the U.S.) He resembles my late Molly -- a rescue cat with 'tuxedo/jester' markings. I'll be back you can be sure.
ReplyDeleteBest regards, Elizabeth
You are so sweet to take him in! He looks like he likes it there. How nice to fine a nice warm place to be when the weather is is unsure! {hugs, Kerry}