This is just a pic of my 'Door Stop Rooster'. Its especially for my friend Kerry, as she loves Chickens, he lives in my shed nowadays so i can look at him when i can having a cup of tea ( i told you i'm geting a batty old bird myself !! )..He is quite heavy and very colorful. The Rain is torrential here again tonight ..and the winds are raging as i am writing, i can hear them above the T.V. even with the double glazing, which i thought was supposed to eliminate noise ??...I am feeling a little better today, but still not well..i really must force myself to go to the Doctors....I'm not one for doing that, i usually self medicate..or sleep it off until i feel better..but this isn't going to go away,..I think it may be my diabetes acting up again, must make an appointment and show my face and hopefully she will be able to help...anyway have a good day tomorrow anyone who reads this.
I loce your rooster, how great!!! He is so colerfull, what a wonderful addition to your garden shed! I have more chickens and some roosters, all packed away. I will be getting them out soon, most of the go out in the yard. Please take care of yourself! You are so important to us all and I hate to think of you ill! I hate to go to doctors too, I understand that, but take just one trip to see them for me. I am seeing one now and it is best for me, I know this. Take care friend. [hugs] Your friend, Kerry