Well the New Year is here at last..its very cold and icy...but sadly no snow yet, i dont mind the cold so much if we have the white fluffy stuff as well.
I am so glad that that the old year as gone, for myself it was one of the worst i can ever remember...So i have such hope for this New One, probably because it is only 'Hope' that is keeping me going right now..I must remember the words of Dee (my friend Kerry's daughter) When the going gets tough.."just keep swimming"..well i think its a quote from 'Finding Nemo' really, but its become Dee's slogan & i associate it so much with her...I MUST keeep swimming...swimming,swimming, even when people who dont even know the circumstances OR my family.. choose to read ridiculous articles in a newspaper that is known for printing vastly altered,usually nasty rubbish,that bears little or no resemblance to truth and that is almost always grossly exaggerated....
MOST folk KNOW that's what sells Papers....but SOME especially in a small village like mine, love to spread gossip.....maybe one day Lies will be told about them..only then they will they understand..but in the mean time i have to live in a road where gossip abounds spread by silly old busy bodies, who have never even seen my son, This saddens me so much, especially as folk who know the truth say he should get a Medal for what he did...( well he didn't actually DO anything, just VERBALLY threateneed a Paedophile) Yes,folks who really know the circumstances are so supportive....I thank them all for that, but the ones who know nothing just make it up !!!..I wonder If they will choke on their words when the other side of the coin is hopefully printed, by one of the women he abused when she was just a child ????... IF the Herald as the integrity to print it that is..
However this is not doing my New Years resolution any good...i vowed to not let stupid people get me down and only to listen to truth..i have made a decision not to listen to gossip about anyone again....but lets change the subject.
I loved this picture of Tamworth pigs in the snow, i got it from the net..they are enjoying the snow, so it must have been taken last year...i thought it was a lovely picture.
I'm hoping to go and stay with Ness for a little while in the next week or so...weather permitting of course..its hard getting out in a wheelchair in the snow & it is forcast to be fairly heavy where she lives down south..once it does arrive that is !!!!
I am going to take my Christmas tree down now..another job i hate..then putting it all away in the loft..groan..but i always feel better once its done..its strange isn't it, i dont feel right until its put up..then when the Holiday as passed it seems sad just looking at it starting to droop (i have a real one)..so i will pick myself up start taking the decorations off it and play some music to cheer me up while i do it.
This Post looks a little bit disjointed reading it back (a bit like me)..but i won't change it..hopefully my next one will be better.
Happy New Year to anyone who happens to read it, I hope 2010 is happy and peaceful for us all.