I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

February 10, 2011

Camera Trouble

Just thought i would put a few pics on, BUT I am having camera trouble at the moment...probably because i haven't used it in a while..Must get it checked out.
Weather here today is very grey & miserable..the sort of weather that plays havoc with my Arthritis...( i look like 'the Mummy' at the moment)..i have those stick on heat pads all over me...lower back, shoulders arms etc..LOL...NOW i know why so many Brits buy 2nd homes abroad in the warmer climates..i would if i could, but cant afford it...so ill just have to stay here & wait until spring !! i always feel better then. The cats hate it as well..only Moses ventures out for more than a few minutes..the rest just stay inside.
I am looking at the garden thinking i really must get all the dead debris and old leaves removed from the plants it would look better if i did that,but these old bones have other idea's at the moment...Doc's Surgery just rang i have to go in next week about my diabetes..will ask if i can have some stronger pain killers, then maybe ill be able to tackle it...Oh well must stop moaning..it doesn't really help, and i KNOW there are so many worse off, My lovely Ness & dear Kerry for starters...im sure they cant wait for the warmer weather as well we all feel better with some sunshine..going to get myself a cuppa...BYE

February 02, 2011

As it really been over 7 months ??

As it really been over 7 months since i last wrote on my blog ??...apparently it has.
So much as happened in that time, some of it good, some quite bad.
I really must start blogging again..i used to really enjoy both writing my own, and reading the blogs of others (friends mostly)
Reading a few of them today, i realise just how much i have missed them..so i am going to start blogging again, and will sort out some pictures as well.
Just wanted to put this on to make a start...
So watch this space..it probably wont be literary brilliance..( no Probably about it, it won't be..lol)..but i'll make an effort and fill you in on my life these past months...it may be therapeutic for me to start to write again anyway.
I'm going to bed now..must get some sleep..then tomorrow..put my thinking cap on.
Night night, to anyone who passes through.