I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

November 22, 2009

Too stressed to Blog at the moment.

I am just too stressed to write my blog at the moment, trying to act 'normal' when i feel so disjointed is making my situation worse, i am feeling physically sick & my head aches, but the worst are the anxiety type of feelings,they are so strange...My dearest friends & close family know what i am talking about...so until this ordeal is over i am going to take a break. I will still read the blogs of my friends to help me get through the day.....but i just can't get my head together to write my own...i will be back when it is all over.


  1. Sometimes things become so overwhelming that it leaves us empty. Please take care as best you can Joy. My thoughts are with you. You will be missed, but we will be here when you're ready. Sharon

  2. Taking some time off is totaly understandable Joy. Im so sorry for what has happened. I hope all of this is sorted out soon. My thoughts are with you, all my love too! {{{{HUGS}}}}!!


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