I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

December 09, 2007

Now I really feel old !!

This is Laura my grandaughter...I often call her my little darlin, as she as always been so sweet & thoughtful...but now so grown up too !!
It is a bit of a shock when you realize that your daughters 'baby' is now a woman. I have never seen her done up for a function before..it quite took me by surprise when i saw her...obviously to me she as always been gorgeous..but she when she is 'done up' she looks about 20 instead of her sweet 16 years...not too sure if i am happy about that !!!...but she is a very sensible girl as well, so i know she will be fine.
I am going to take my camera out next week to the shops & garden centres in the area..and then put some of those pics onto my Blog..Iwould have done it before but with Vanessa here i didn't get time..we were out each day visiting and shopping...i do miss her now she as gone home...but i'll see her again before Christmas, and we are going to spend the holiday together.


  1. Joy, your Laura is so pretty!!! She must turn a lot of heads. She looks so much older than her 16 years. She comes from great stock, her mother and grandmother. She is a real cuttie!!!!

  2. Wow, she is a stunner!! What a pretty girl she is!!


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