I'm a 63year old Mom & Grandmother who wanted a blog of everyday things for everyday people. Please feel free to comment...the sensible opinions of others are always welcome...I also have 2 more blogs, One more serious, and my blog for cat lovers (4cats for cats)

April 11, 2010

Seb & Moses

Moses & Seb were such good friends..they spent ages cuddled up to each other, and Momo would even go into Sebs indoor (and outdoor) cages...I still miss Sebby he was a very huge,very clever rabbit.


  1. Hey - your buuny looks exactly like cheesecake - and my cat Murphy is ALWAYS trying to get in the cage with him. Wish I could post a pic here of them!!

  2. Hi Sarah, I so miss Seb,he died last year..Oliver is cute, but very shy & hides away from everyone...Moses looks cross eyed in this pic doen't he ??...If you click onto it to enlarge it you can see it better,and its just a shadow..

  3. What a cute picture Joy!! I know you miss Seb terribly, Im sorry. He was a beautiful bunny! :)

  4. Thanks Dee...he was a one off, was Seb (Sebastion)i used to blog about him a lot..he had such a personality..when i went to his hutch in the morning he would practically jump into my arms..more like a cat than a rabbit, thats because he always lived with cats from a very early age (few weeks) He used a cat litter tray, and would chase the cats around the garden..if the door was open he would come into the house and jump on the sofa and watch t.v. with us..even now i want to cry when i think of him, and how sadly he died..but he did have a good life, he belonged to Luke my grandson before me, but i had him for several years...i think maybe he was a one off.


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